Now I'm here to telling you about my dream last night.
Is not a really scary dreams, but it had make me afraid somehow.
I fall a sleep at 7p.m and wake up at 10p.m last night. In that 2 hours, I got a terrible nightmare.
It begin when I'm at someone house. I'm not alone of course, I'm with my family. And then we have a little talk with the owner of the house, which I believe was my old friend family.
When the parents going to have a little private talk, me and my old friend have a chit-chat.
Well, is not like my mind was dirty or else. I have a pervert talk with him. Just a little things.
Then his little sister (which I believe he doesn't had), tell the parents about what I've been asking to her brother. She said that I'm just a trash and something like that.
Their parents and my parents too, get mad of me. They yelling at me and force me to get out of the house.
Well, I'm going out.
Out of the house, the weather is a little bit chill. I tried to get in the house, but that mysterious sister of my old friend was forbid me to come in. What a little brat!
So, I've decided to going home first. The streets is familiar, but I don't remember where I've seen it. From the house, I'm going to the left. And that's all those nightmare begin..
I heard a lion's roar from behind me. When I look back, it's totally dark. Yep, it was night. I take a walk like 7 m, and turn right.
Suddenly, I faced a zombie. Thanks to this shitty brain. (‾▿‾")
I screamed out loud, but this zombie just muttering some words I didn't understand.
(capek mikir english. (‾▿‾"))
Abis itu gue balik ke persimpangan sebelum belok tadi, terus milih lari ke jalan lurus kebalikan jalan tadi. Terus ditengah lari gue mikir, entar tuh zombie bisa ngejar gimana. Ya kan gue larinya gabisa cepet. (‾▿‾")
Terus gue mutusin buat masuk ke gang kecil, tu zombie jalan ngelewatin gang tempat gue ngumpet.
Gue bernapas lega.. (‾▿‾")
Pas balik badan, depan muka gue ada zombie yang naujubilah nyereminnya. Gak sempet teriak, dia udah gigit leher gue. Berasa banget itu darah anget ngalir keluar dari sobekan leher gue, sampe basah itu kaos yang gue pake.
Abis itu berlanjut kaki sama tangan gue yang entah diapain. Pokoknya itu darah gue keluar semua(?). Kaya disiram aer anget deh seluruh badan.
Ngerasa kece kaya jagoan(?) di film-film zombie, gue pun mencoba stay cool. Lalu pas si zombie yang pertama gue temuin tadi dateng nyamperin....gue kebangun.
Dengan napas ngos-ngosan gue duduk di kasur, penuh keringet. Badan gue beneran basah lepek. Tapi bukan darah. Yep. I'm sweating like crazy.
Karna.. Gue tidur pake kaos bahan yang tebel, selimutan ngebungkus badan, dan AC dalam kondisi MATI. Okesip.
Pertanyaannya, kenapa gue nulis judul kaya begitu? Simple. Buat menarik perhatian. ヾ(хD)ノ┌┛┌┛
Yak. Sekian.
Now I'm here to telling you about my dream last night.
Is not a really scary dreams, but it had make me afraid somehow.
I fall a sleep at 7p.m and wake up at 10p.m last night. In that 2 hours, I got a terrible nightmare.
It begin when I'm at someone house. I'm not alone of course, I'm with my family. And then we have a little talk with the owner of the house, which I believe was my old friend family.
When the parents going to have a little private talk, me and my old friend have a chit-chat.
Well, is not like my mind was dirty or else. I have a pervert talk with him. Just a little things.
Then his little sister (which I believe he doesn't had), tell the parents about what I've been asking to her brother. She said that I'm just a trash and something like that.
Their parents and my parents too, get mad of me. They yelling at me and force me to get out of the house.
Well, I'm going out.
Out of the house, the weather is a little bit chill. I tried to get in the house, but that mysterious sister of my old friend was forbid me to come in. What a little brat!
So, I've decided to going home first. The streets is familiar, but I don't remember where I've seen it. From the house, I'm going to the left. And that's all those nightmare begin..
I heard a lion's roar from behind me. When I look back, it's totally dark. Yep, it was night. I take a walk like 7 m, and turn right.
Suddenly, I faced a zombie. Thanks to this shitty brain. (‾▿‾")
I screamed out loud, but this zombie just muttering some words I didn't understand.
(capek mikir english. (‾▿‾"))
Abis itu gue balik ke persimpangan sebelum belok tadi, terus milih lari ke jalan lurus kebalikan jalan tadi. Terus ditengah lari gue mikir, entar tuh zombie bisa ngejar gimana. Ya kan gue larinya gabisa cepet. (‾▿‾")
Terus gue mutusin buat masuk ke gang kecil, tu zombie jalan ngelewatin gang tempat gue ngumpet.
Gue bernapas lega.. (‾▿‾")
Pas balik badan, depan muka gue ada zombie yang naujubilah nyereminnya. Gak sempet teriak, dia udah gigit leher gue. Berasa banget itu darah anget ngalir keluar dari sobekan leher gue, sampe basah itu kaos yang gue pake.
Abis itu berlanjut kaki sama tangan gue yang entah diapain. Pokoknya itu darah gue keluar semua(?). Kaya disiram aer anget deh seluruh badan.
Ngerasa kece kaya jagoan(?) di film-film zombie, gue pun mencoba stay cool. Lalu pas si zombie yang pertama gue temuin tadi dateng nyamperin....gue kebangun.
Dengan napas ngos-ngosan gue duduk di kasur, penuh keringet. Badan gue beneran basah lepek. Tapi bukan darah. Yep. I'm sweating like crazy.
Karna.. Gue tidur pake kaos bahan yang tebel, selimutan ngebungkus badan, dan AC dalam kondisi MATI. Okesip.
Pertanyaannya, kenapa gue nulis judul kaya begitu? Simple. Buat menarik perhatian. ヾ(хD)ノ┌┛┌┛
Yak. Sekian.
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