Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I'm Manga Addict.

Finally I have something to write here~
Nah, actually I want to write this on twitter. But the there's not enough characters. How lame. (;一_一)

On another post, I've already told you about my hobby. Yep, I like to read manga. ~(\ ‾o‾)/
All my passionate with manga had been written here.

Sekarang gue cuma mau jelasin sesuatu.. Gue itu emang terlahir dengan suatu hasrat yang kuat; baca. Gue suka banget baca. Entah itu buku, novel, atau komik. Atau bahkan artikel di blog orang. Apapun, pokoknya gue suka baca.
Sekarang lebih ke spesifik baca manga/komik. Gue udah baca lebih dari lima ratus judul komik, baik itu baca online, beli komiknya, ataupun minjem.

Sebanyak itu? Iya.